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Eat My Dust!

There was Henry Ford liked to drive. He liked driving into town. He made his car by himself. cars was precious for most people because only the rich people had. So most people did not know how to drive. Henry had a dream. It was to make a car everyone could do. To need money for that dream, he decided to enter a race...


Earth is a planet. There are many plants, animal, and people. We can see the land is under our feet. There is water in rivers, lakes, and ocean. Near the equator is a hot place. Cold place is the Arctic and the Antarctic...


Electricity is a type of energy. For example, an electric bus using electric energy. Electricity is in nature too. Such as Electricity in the sky and Lightning. to make macmhines work, we need power station. Batteries make lots of machines work. For instance, Calculator, camera, cell phone, and watches...


Pocahontas is a daughter of the great Chief Powhatan. She lives in a village. One day, three English ships comes to the place she lives. She thought how strange they look. She have never seen the people like them. They wear strange clothes. The English people make a new town called Jamestown. Some people don't like strangers but Pocahontas do. So she gets along with English people. However she captured by the Englishman.


It was 1851. Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. The underground railroad is for slaves to be freedom. Harriet was born in about 1820. She was a slave on tobacco plantation. She and her family could be sold. One day, her father taught her how to escape. He told her that that big dipper in the sky was the North Star. It meant that she should follow it, and she will be freedom...

More Macdonalds

It was breakfast time at the Macdnald's. Dad said "This house is too small". The twin were worried that they were going to move but Dad told the twin couldn't shere a bedroom forever. So children argued where was their bedroom. Dad had a plan to decide their new bedroom. A few later, the house started construction to make a new bedroom.


There are Princess Elsa and Princess Anna. They are sisters. Elsa has magic powers which she can create ice. She makes it secret. One day, she makes a mistake that Anna is very cold by her magic. She stays away from Anna to keep Anna safe. After They grow up, Anna wants to marry Prince Hans. However Elsa wants Anna to do that. While they are arguing, Elsa shoots magic ice. She runs far away...