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7月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

The Storm

The children looked in the tree house when they went outside to play. They mended and painted the house. The tree house looked good. They had a party in the tree house. After the children got home, there was a storm. The storm made the tree house down.

Olympic Adventure

The children were doing a project on the Olympic Games. One of the boys laughed and said "I think the girl should have a sewing race!" After school, the girls said "Some boys are so silly." The magic key began to glow. The magic took the girls back in time, to a village in Greece. People who were men and the boys played the Game there. The girls wanted to play with them but they couldn't. Because they were women. The girls said "It's not fair.". So they decided to play with only the girls in the village.

Beauty and the Beast

There was a man who had three daughters. The youngest daughter was called Beauty. She was good and kind. One day, the man saw a Beast when he took the roses for Beauty. The Beast said "You must bring me back the first thing you see when you get home.". When the man got home, the first thing he saw was Beauty.

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived in a farmyard. One day, the little red hen found some grain of wheat. She took them to the other animals in the farmyard. She asked them to help her to plant these grains of wheat. However, they wouldn't. I think the animal without the little red hen was not kind because they didn't help her.


There are Gran and her children and her dog Floppy. They went into an old castle. It looked very old and scary there. the children played hide and seek there. Gran wanted to play too. She found a gate to hide but the place was that she was trapped...